Swiss Steel Shanghai Office

Swiss Steel Shanghai Office is devoted to provide commercial, technical and logistic interface for our customers with all Group mills DEW, Ugitech, Ascometal, Swiss Steel, Steeltec and Finkl Steel. The activities of Swiss Steel Shanghai Office are focused on providing high quality stainless steel, engineering steel and tool steel directly from our group mills. In the meantime, our local team is dedicated to offer customized services, technical support and commercial solution.


Swiss Steel Shanghai Office
Room 1104-1105, Golden Finance Tower, 
No.58 East Yan’an Road, Huangpu District,
Shanghai, 200120,China

Grace Sun | GM
Phone  +86 (21) 6321 6633
Send E-Mail

Ricy Qu  | Admin
Phone  +86 (21) 6321 6633
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